West Hills Water Treatment Plant

Hollister, CA
Contract Amount:
October 2017
San Benito County Water District
Raw Water Pump Station: An outdoor pump station located off Union Road. The pump station generally includes three 75 horsepower horizontal split case pumps, electrical equipment, standby generator and a chemical feed unit. Raw Water Pipeline: A 20-inch diameter pipeline approximately 3,800 feet long between the Hollister Conduit San Juan Sublateral Connection off Union Road and the new water treatment plant. The pipeline will be constructed by open trench method. Access Roadway: A new 20-foot wide private roadway approximately 3,000 feet long, extending from Union road to the new water treatment plant. The roadway is generally 16- foot wide pavement with 2-foot wide shoulders on each side. Water Treatment Plant: A new 4.5 million gallon per day (mgd) capacity water treatment plant. The work generally consists of constructing a new operations building, pretreatment unit (Actiflo Carb), gravity filters, chemical storage and feed system, a 0.5 million gallon capacity circular concrete storage reservoir (clearwell), washwater recovery basins, solids drying beds, site grading, yard piping, electrical and instrumentation and control. Treated Water Pipeline: A drinking water pipeline approximately 9,550 feet long. The pipeline is 20-inch diameter except where it crosses the Nash Road Bridge, where the pipeline is reduced to 16-inch diameter.
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