Bid Date: February 26, 2025 @ 2 PM
Civil Estimating: Rich White
Electrical Estimating: Jeff Brackenbury
Owner: City of Gonzales
Engineer: Dudek
Engineer’s Estimate: $20m
Gonzales, CA
In accordance with Drawings and Specifications prepared by Dudek, the Work includes furnishing of all labor, materials, tax, equipment, incidentals and services for the construction and completion of the “Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility”. The Work includes but is not limited to: all labor, material, equipment, and services necessary to complete the work in compliance with the specifications, including but not limited to construction of the following: Two Aerated Lagoon Treatment Ponds; Two Infiltration Basins; Recirculation Pump Station; Influent Pump Station; Headworks; Blower Building; Standby Generator and Pad; Motor Control Centers, Variable Frequency Drive Units, Switchgear; PG&E Service Transformer Pad; Potable Water Service; Operations, Storage, and Electrical Building; New SCADA control system and integration; Drilling, construction, and development of six underground monitoring wells; Process and site piping, and appurtenances; Paving, grading, drainage, sitework, etc.
Items available to be subcontracted and/or purchased include but are not limited to dewatering; earthwork & site work; fencing & gates; AC paving; groundwater monitoring well drilling; masonry; structural steel; steel roof deck; interior architectural woodwork; building insulation; metal roofing; overhead rolling doors; windows & glazing; drywall & framing; ceramic tile; acoustical ceilings; painting & coating; building specialties; pre-engineered metal building; SCADA programming; HDPE membrane liner; HVAC; mechanical insulation; and instrumentation.
Plans and specifications are available for viewing at our office, local builders’ exchanges, and through the City of Gonzales website (
We encourage bids from all subcontractors and suppliers, including those with DBE/WBE/MBE/SBE status. There are goals of 19.6% MBE participation and 6.9% WBE participation. We are an equal-opportunity employer. We encourage contracting with a group of DBEs when a contract is too large for one firm to manage individually. We offer assistance with bonding, credit, and insurance. Subcontractors will be required to sign the Auburn Constructors Standard Subcontract Agreement, which includes the right for Auburn to require subcontractors to furnish a faithful performance and labor bond in a form and from a surety acceptable to Auburn in the amount of 100% of the subcontract price. Subcontractors will be required to comply with all subcontract insurance requirements. A copy of the Standard Subcontract Agreement is available on request. All potential subcontractors and suppliers must also comply with the American Iron and Steel requirement for the use of iron and steel products produced in the United States. Please also note that Davis-Bacon wage rate requirements apply to this project.